Impart the teachings of our Catholic faith and inspire our students to pray and worship regularly on Sundays and Holy Days;
Foster and promote the Gospel values of love of God, love of neighbor, and love of one's self through actions and service to others;
Deepen understanding and appreciation for one's spiritual and cultural heritage and traditions;
Promote understanding and respect for all nationalities, cultures, and religions by encouraging students to see all people as brothers/sisters in Christ;
Teach the basic skills and motivate students to take responsibility for their own learning by developing critical thinking skills, sound judgment, self-motivation and creative self-expression;
Develop habits of intellectual study through reading, projects, group work, field trips and assignments;
Adapt our curriculum to the changing needs of our student population;
Encourage participation in extra-curricular and inter-scholastic activities as a means of enhancing social skills and interpersonal relationships;
Cultivate an awareness of beauty in the world through music, art and dance;
Instill knowledge of our American heritage and foster respect and obedience to laws and decisions of legitimate authority.